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Work With Me

We all want to live a healthy lifestyle but it can be challenging at times for so many reasons! As your coach and accountability partner I will be on your journey of transformation. I take a holistic approach when coaching a client - looking at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. I use holistic modalities and natural healing, such as yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy (essential oils) to name a few.  Through positive reinforcement and encouragement,  I will inspire and motivate you to help you achieve your goals in becoming your healthiest version of you!


Below are the programs I created to provide you with proper structure and more knowledge so that you are empowered and confident along your journey toward better health!

Total Transformation Discovery Session



What happens during the Total Transformation Discovery Session?


During our phone session we will...


  • Explore and uncover what has been keeping you stuck and frustrated. What’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the body - and the health - you want.


  • You will discover the goals that truly motivate you and identify the steps needed to transform your health and wellness to become your best version.


  • Assess where you are currently with your health and wellness goals, and where you want to go.


  • Develop a powerful vision for your Total Transformation, and what it will mean for you, for your health and for your life.


  • Uncover any hidden challenges that may be limiting your progress and discover what might be unconsciously sabotaging you from reaching your goals.  Most importantly, what you can start doing to change that, now.


  • Discover which foods and habits are bringing your body down, and what to do about it.


  • Create a clear plan that will dramatically change how you feel in your body and your life. Get crystal clear on a step-by-step plan to create a Total Transformation in 90 days or less.


  • AND you will learn at least one action step you can take right away.



The Discovery Session isn't a coaching session but I will guide you through a set of structured questions that will give you an insight into what the coaching process is and what you can expect from us working together.  There will also be some brief questions to answer prior to the session which will put you into a "coaching mindset" and help the flow of the Discovery Session.  This is also a great opportunity to see if we're a good fit working together.  If I feel like another Coach/Practitioner may be a better fit for you (for example, specialties outside of my expertise), at this time I will give you a recommendation/referral.








Arti at resort in India.jpg

Small Hinges Swing Big Doors


- W. Clement Stone




of all dieters gain the weight back




of our behaviour is habitual




of improvement is all it takes!

30 Day Mind/Body Jumpstart Program

Restore a mind/body balance that brings you purpose and joy in your life!


The "Mind/Body Jumpstart" program will arm you with all that it takes to manage your inner world (mind/body) and the demands of your outer world (work/home/lifestyle) including:


  • With a coach by your side, you will gently be guided to discover what areas in your inner and outer world need nourishment and how to accomplish this.


  • Learn to shift for your focus towards a positive mindset.


  • Get a better understanding of what your body needs to lead a healthier life with more confidence and ease.


  • Become more curious about life and what it is you truly want and implement steps to get it.


  • Designed to teach you healthier habits and to provide you with a holistic perspective on wellness.


  • Learn how to honour your hunger/fullness, feel more energized, get moving, and improve sleep!


  • Receive 4 weekly customized coaching sessions 1-hour each (phone/virtual).


  • Curated handouts tailored just for you to assist you with your weekly action steps and wellness goals. 


  • Email support to answer questions in between sessions.



Total Transformation -The 90 Day Intensive

If you are looking for a 'quick fix' then this program is not for you.


If you are looking for transformation then continue reading!


Do you want to give your health a promotion from part-time to full-time but nothing seems to stick? If you've tried dieting and keep finding yourself feeling fatigued, stressed and just down on yourself day-to-day then there's a bigger meaning as to why you haven't found that sweet spot. Do you feel overwhelmed, racing with the clock, always giving to everyone but no time for you?  If so keep reading...


The "Total Transformation - The 90 Day Intensive" program is a highly supportive coaching program and includes: 


  • A 12 session program where we would meet once a week for 12 weeks over the phone (or virtual).


  • During each session we will focus on mastering a new technique for your health and wellness toolbox.


  • You will be given customized action steps for the following week and will receive curated information to help guide you through the 90 day journey.


  • Email support to answer questions in between sessions.


  • As a holistic health and life coach I incorporate other holistic modalities in our sessions so that your coaching experience is full and rich.  


  • The techniques and tools that I guide you with will create positive, lasting change - so that you feel better in your body, your mind, your emotions and your spirit. 


  • Step-by-step journey where we use nutritional and lifestyle habit change to tackle your health and wellness challenges so that you can be the best version of you.


I am here to empower you to get 'unstuck' so that you can move forward and feel confident and motivated to achieve your dreams.


On this journey of transformation I am your accountability partner, and will use gentle encouragement.  I will inspire and motivate you, lead you with compassion and positive reinforcement to help you achieve your goals in becoming the healthiest version of you!






28 Day Body Reset Cleanse

Why Cleanse?


Toxic chemicals are all around us in the world today - they easily find their way into our body through the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink.  We also ingest foreign chemicals when taking medicinal or illicit drugs, or when using alcohol or tobacco.


Although the body is designed to be self-cleaning and to excrete these toxins, it cannot always handle the overload present in today's environment.  Chemicals no excreted accumulate in our fat cells and cell membranes become internal toxins.

  • Do you get bloated after eating?

  • Do you tend to gain weight easily especially in your belly?

  • Do you have extra pounds that won't come off with diet and exercise?

  • Do you have headaches more than occasionally?

  • Do you frequently belch or feel gassy or gurgling in your belly?

  • Do you tend to feel lethargic during the day?

  • Do you have cravings for sugar or starchy foods?

  • Do you experience mood swings or anxiety?

  • Do you have difficulty focusing or experience foggy brain?

  • Do you have allergies or hay fever?

  • Do you experience pain, muscle achiness, or stiffness in your joints?

  • Do you feel addicted to foods that you know aren't good for you...and yet you can't stop?

  • Do you feel anxious, upset, or nervous, or downright cranky?


If you answered "Yes" to any of these questions, you would greatly benefit from this cleanse!


3 Easy Phases:








  • Shed excess weight (especially abdominal weight)

  • Boost your energy

  • Feel lighter and cleaner

  • Decrease your craving for unhealthy foods

  • Experience deeper sleep and clearer skin

  • Improve your digestion (less gas and bloating)

  • Enhance your body's ability to mobilize and excrete toxins

  • Decrease congestion and allergy symptoms

  • Discover food sensitivities

  • Create healthy habits that enliven you







Self-care isn't something you do once and tick off the list.  It's the constant repetition of many tiny habits which together soothe you and make sure you're at your optimum- emotionally, physically, and mentally

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Phone: 613-864-6097

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