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Meet Arti

Certified Health & Life Coach

I incorporate other holistic modalities, such as aromatherapy, meditation, mindfulness etc, to assist with your personal transformation. The health and life coaching programs that I offer are based on cutting edge psychology, brain science, nutrition, intuitive listening, habit change and healthy lifestyle design.


I work with overwhelmed, stressed out individuals who doubt themselves and are always pleasing others before looking at their own needs. I help them get clarity on what is keeping them "stuck" so they feel energized and reconnected, confident, and purposeful to get into action with authenticity. We may know what to do or we can google answers to any questions we have, however, investing in a coach like myself gives you the necessary systems, support, and accountability that we all need.


I work one-on-one with my clients and am a guide to help them navigate the different modalities without becoming overwhelmed. I provide personalized programs to help my clients to overcome obstacles and to move forward to become the best version of themselves!

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Accreditation & Certification

*McGill University - B.A. Psychology


*Health Coach Institute - registered with the Idaho State Board of Education


*HCI Accredited from the International Coach Federation (ICF)


*Canadian Health Coach Alliance


*Federation of Holistic Therapists (UK)


*International Institute for Complimentary Therapists (AUS & NZ)




What is a Health Coach?


A health coach is passionate about healthy living in every area of life, and wants to help others make that commitment to healthy living, too.


A health coach is someone who cultivates health and aliveness in others, helping them make needed change in their lives and step into the boldest version of themselves.


A health coach is a motivator, guide, accountability partner, inspirer, confidante, cheerleader, resource, champion for your personal success and well-being, and Master of Habit Change—all rolled into one!

Why A Health Coach?

The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

-Lao Tzu


I love this quote and it speaks volumes about life and learning. Years ago I found that my life suddenly took a 180 degree turn and everything as I had known it was now full of uncertainty. I was living overseas with my family and had to return home to Canada where my father was very ill.  He passed away 5 weeks after I arrived and life completely changed.  I moved in with my Mom with my 2 young daughters while my husband travelled back and forth when he could.  I faced many challenges to emotionally support and care for my mother and my kids in addition to juggling work and home.  Life was overwhelming, full of uncertainty and exhausting.  I was burned out and like a walking zombie!  I took care of everyone else and tried to carve out morsels of time to care for myself.  Before finding Health Coaching, my life was full of overwhelm, stress, uncertainty, and a neverending list of things needing to be done.  Just like you, I was juggling way too many things and giving to everyone else except myself.  I had a hard time saying "No" or asking for help.  It didn't dawn on me to ask for help because I didn't want to burden anyone.  By not taking enough time out for self-care, in particular "mind-care" or to work on family relationships, I found myself being less mindful about what I was doing and eating.  I was just getting through a meal rather than truly enjoying it.  I also lacked a good sleep routine because my mind was anxious and consumed with worries and my "to-do" list!  I was just plain burned-out!


The moment that changed everything for me was one day, one of my closest friends told me "You're going to be ok" and that one sentence reset the path I was on. I realized that I had 2 young kids and I had to be there for them and take care of them.  The only way I was going to be able to do that was to first take care of myself.  Just like in the airplane the flight attendant tells you to first put on your oxygen mask before helping your kids or anyone else, this was the same thing.  Fortunately, since I was always pretty disciplined and could get into a good routine, I regularly exercised and tried to eat healthy and nutritious food. This helped give me the energy to keep up with my kids, do things with them, and balance the other things in my life.  When I found the Health Coach Institute and learned about healthy, holistic living I felt like I found my true purpose.  Once I started nourishing multiple areas of my life and benefiting from making better choices with nutrition, lifestyle, and spiritual, I felt like I was becoming alive again, more calm and balanced.  I became so motivated to eat better and to make healthy lifestyle choices because I was beginning to feel like myself again.  Through this journey I also realized that I would get really excited about sharing this information with other people in order to help them not go down the same road to burnout that I did.  Now that healthy holistic living has become a big part of my life, I knew I was ready for the next step, both personally and professionally.  Looking back now, I wish I had a health coach, a caring accountability partner, who could help me hold a vision for myself to be my best version. 

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Phone: 613-864-6097

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